2023 Member Events
Insights & Innovations Webinars

In 2023, we have a brand new webinar series for our members! The series aims to continue the important conversations we had at the Summit on topics such as a fundraising, organisational management and development, and vendor support. Join a session to learn from other members, share your own expertise and be inspired.
All webinars are online via Zoom. There will English <> German interpretation on all calls. If you need interpretation into another language, please let us know.
All times listed refer to Glasgow. Remember to check your local time!
Don't worry if you can't attend at the time specified: the webinars will be recorded and added to the Hub for you watch when you have time.
Finally, you can register for all webinars here. Members will be sent the access code by email.
Note: to attend these events, your street paper must be a member of INSP.
Webinar calendar 2023